38th Annual Brackendale Winter Eagle Count: January 7, 2024

Good news from Christopher Di Corrado, organizer of this season’s Winter Eagle Count!  “We’ll meet at 9:00 am at the Brackendale Art Galley again this year.”  Experienced and new volunteers are welcome.

An eagle tree on the Upper Squamish River, courtesy of Tristan Rayner

For experienced counters: if you are keen and already know what route you want, let us know.

For new counters: here’s some background on the count. We’ll help with picking a route. The route difficulty can vary greatly with weather. If it’s just been raining, routes can be easy to travel around. If we have snow, it can be a much longer walk. As you travel north of Squamish, the routes generally get tougher. The Upper Squamish and Elaho are only for experienced winter explorers!

Contact us to volunteer: please let us know

  • Number in your group
  • Everyone’s names
  • Your phone number
  • Have you surveyed before?
  • What area would you prefer to do?
  • What kind of vehicle do you have (e.g. 4×4, car, nothing…)?
  • How many people can you bring with you (Carpool)?
  • What’s your physical ability?
  • Other things you’d briefly like to tell us?

For updates on our eagles so far this season: Check out @squamisheaglewatch on Facebook and Instagram, as well as our website.

We’ll get back to you with final group placements after the holidays. Until then, Happy Holidays and Festive Eagle Watching!