Here’s a new opportunity to learn about shorebird identification and at the same time help support SES.
Shorebirds are fascinating birds that are adapted to life on the shorelines of oceans, lakes, rivers, and wetlands. They are known for their remarkable migration journeys, stunning plumage, and unique behaviours. Their ability to endure long migrations and thrive in diverse environments makes them a remarkable group of birds to observe and appreciate. Identifying these birds can be tricky because they can all look alike, they come in large groups and they are often a good distance away.
A new four-week online workshop presented by the Vancouver Avian Research Centre (VARC) will help you learn the techniques you need to identify shorebirds worldwide. It will also showcase the amazing diversity of the 38 species of shorebirds you might see in BC. The sessions will run on Wednesday evenings in November (1,8,15,22) from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The cost is $199.00.
For more information or to register please go here. When you register, you’ll see a question: “Where did you hear about this course?” Please use the dropdown arrow and then select Squamish Environment Society. Doing this means that our birding programs will receive a donation of 50% of your course cost. (Yes, really! $99.50!)
Photo above courtesy of VARC: The birds in the photo above might be Western Sandpipers. We’re not sure, so we’re going to take the workshop!