A huge “Thank You” to all who were able to participate in this year’s count. I appreciate everyone’s patience and flexibility around the last minute date change (Saturday to Sunday). That decision was not made lightly. Even at that, the day had its challenges getting around in the snow. But still, we found some good birds out there, and it was sunny.
So, on to the results….
Total number of species is 67, an average number for Squamish.
Some of the highlights…
6 Snow goose
2 Trumpeter swan
1 Ruffed grouse
2 Red throated loon
7 American coot
10 American robin
1 Western meadowlark
1 Brown-headed cowbird
23 Common redpoll
Changing numbers…
57 Anna’s hummingbird Up from 32 last year.
313 Bald eagle Yikes!! Where were they??
27 Common goldeneye Counts for both Goldeneye species continue low compared to ten years ago.
15 Barrow’s goldeneye Up slightly from 9 last year.
Owls, any owls
So, that’s the highlights of this year’s count. The full count will be available soon on the Audubon website: type BCSQ in the ‘count code’ field.
Till next year.
(For background on our Christmas Bird Count)
Photo: Common Goldeneye male on the Squamish River.