After a break in 2020 we were once again able to celebrate Squamish Rivers Day at McNaughton Park in Valleycliffe. The pink salmon were spawning in Little Stawamus Creek beside the park, and Coho fry were also active. Rhonda organized the event on behalf of Squamish River Watershed Society and participating friends included SES, the Squamish Streamkeepers, and the Sea to Sky Invasive Species Council. The Lions Club fired up the barbeque and the scent of fried onions overpowered the scent of spawned salmon.
Heavy rain was forecast but held off during the event. The Streamkeepers had a fish bowl with live Coho fry from the creek and had many young visitors. Rhonda and volunteers had a station where children were making prints of fish and tree rings. and another for planting native shrubs. The Invasive Species crew had a popular fishing game. Carl’s display of bones and birds attracted many children, and our map of the recently-created Átl’ka7tsem / Howe Sound Biosphere Reserve gave us a chance to engage many people in conversation about the significance of the recent designation.
Photo above: Carl chatting with children about comparing bones: SES tent, Rivers Day 2021.