After many months of hard work and many revisions…The NEW Squamish Estuary brochure and trail map is now available.
The brochure combines a trail map, with facts about estuarine species and ecology, and a ‘Code of Ethics’ to help visitors tread gently. The estuary is experiencing increased recreational use from residents and visitors alike, with associated impacts such as dogs off leash, illegal camping and increased traffic on the training dike. Not all users are aware that the area is a Wildlife Management Area and an internationally significant Important Bird Area (IBA). SES hopes that the brochure will not only guide visitors around the trails, but also reduce impacts to wildlife and habitat through education.
The brochure is the final component of a three-part, Squamish Estuary Education Project (SEE) funded by Squamish Savings, a Division of Vancity. Volunteer Interpreter Training and guided nature walks were offered in 2010; and interpretive signage was installed along the Chelem Trail in 2012.
Download Squamish Estuary brochure
The estuary brochure, along with birding checklists, plant guides, and other estuary information is also available on the Resources page of our website.