Please join us for our AGM. Find out what we have been up to and how you can get involved. Renew your membership or join. Meet other people who care about nature.
When: Friday, October 25, 2024 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Where: Squamish United Church, 38014 Fourth Ave
6:30 PM Doors open. Renew memberships. Tea, refreshments and social time.
7:00 PM Business Meeting. We plan to cover essential business and present short updates on our programs and projects.
- Approval of our 2023 AGM minutes
- Year in review and project updates
- Review of 2023 – 24 Financials
- Election of 2024-2025 Board
- Q&A
Voting will be conducted by show of hands. Please note that you must join or renew your SES membership for the upcoming year (October 2024-September 2025), in order to vote. You can join at the door, or ahead of time by e-transfer or Paypal. Or download a membership form and mail it to us.
Please note that we are unable to offer a virtual meeting option this year. Thank you for your understanding.
Nominating Committee Report
The SES Nominating Committee is pleased to report that six of our 2023 – 2024 Directors will stand for re-election. They are : Tiffany Brunke, Carl Halvorson, Judith Holm, Gwen L’Hirondelle, Murray Journeay, and Rachel Shephard. Please get in touch if you would like to be considered for a board position. We will be happy to explain what is involved and hear about your interests and experience.
Image: Chlorociboria sp. by Gwen L’Hirondelle.
This fungus is one of the more unusual finds for me this past year. Very small. Foreground “fruit” is 5 mm across. Genus Chlorociboria. See the inaturalist observation.